Sensitivity Field
Initial Condition Fields 1
Initial Condition FIelds 2

F48A24 COPS Fields: Sensitivity fields valid at the time indicated above (T) for the Total Energy at the lower levels over the COPS standard sensitivity area at time T+24. Sensitivities are computed using the MM5 Adjoint System using moisture (DUDHIA) and convection (GRELL) when possible. The basic state over which the adjoint integration runs is a 48h forecast starting at T-24h (today at 12UTC, tipically). Computations are run over INM CRAYx1 and UIB Meteorology Group computers and are tipically made available at 1330UTC (15:30 local time).

Projected Sensitivity is an index used to produce a single snapshot of the sensitivity fields. The index is computed by averaging the adjoint raw sensitivities over all fields and vertical levels. The resulting field does not have physical units but shows intuitively where high values of sensitivity are computed.